Friday, February 15, 2008

Double Dozen

So, with the exceptions of Leo Marlowe and Josiah Leming, all my predictions made the top 24 in a-MER-ican idol!

They are: Carly Smithson, David Cook, Amanda Overmyer, David Archuleta, Kristy Lee Cook, Brooke White, Danny Noriega, Ramiele Malubay, Michael Johns, Syesha Mercano, Jason Castro, Luke Menard, Alexandra Lushington, Garrett Haley, Kady Molloy, Chikezie Eze, Amy Davis, Alaina Whitaker, Jason Yaeger, Robbie Carrico, Asia'h Epperson, David Hernandez, Colton Berry, Joanne Borgella.

I must say two things really affected me this evening, watching the programme. One was when Simon told nerdy Kyle that he was disappointed that he didn't make the cut and that he disagreed with the decision. Simon, human? Nice.

The other was watching poor Josiah Leming get cut and seeing his heartrending disappointment as he said goodbye to everyone. He seems to be both immature and unnaturally wizened for one his age, homed up in his car (if you didn't know he is dispossessed somehow of his family and is living in his car). When Seacrest asked him how does he go on, Josiah said "You find it from somewhere. You just pull it out of nowhere i guess. i don't know."
To me it sounded like the toughest guy in the world saying, don't ask me to go there. Sad. But, though I like him very much, I'm not a fan of his voice, and I think really, the judges were right. He needs to get back home to his family, instead of being lonely and alone and unsupported.


So, who do I think will make the final twelve? And this is my opinion based on how I think the American public will vote, as well as those whom I think have genuine talent and if the public vote them off they're as nutty as a george bush speech: Carly Smithson, David Archuleta, Ramiele Malubay, Asia'h Epperson, Michael Johns, Joanne Borgella, Chikezie Eze, Amanda Overmyer, David Cook, Danny Noriega, David Hernandez, Syesha Mercano.

My favourite top three? My personal vote are David Archuleta, Carly Smithson, Michael Johns.


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