Thursday, May 15, 2008

Ask for it long enough...

The old adage? Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it?

Well, my wish has come true, Syesha is out. And I can't help feeling sad about it. Though I think David Cook should win out of the two Davids, Syesha did come out with a bang last night, despite what the judges thought about her performance of "fever". I thought that really defined who she was - a musical actress. She should go that way, it's her fortune.

Parallel to Idol things, this past week has been a learning experience for me, for us all. I say parallel, because, you know, I wished hard enough. Lucky for me, I got exactly what I wanted - for the truth to be revealed, that is all. At last.

Hello to good things unspoiled!

Lovey, C


Anonymous said...

Another defamation sue in the making. This will be the first Malaysian taken to court for libel charges just because he made a Genuine Consumer Complaint on the Internet. Should we keep quite from being bullied by the rich and powerful? Is it right to use the law to muzzle a consumer in grievance? Read more here and original complaint at

machfairy said...


americans arent SO dumb afterall!

i <3 cook.


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