Thursday, March 27, 2008

Clever Girl

So is Kristy going home today? Probably not. Smart girl pullled out all the stops and sang her mediocre way into the American public's heart last night. I hate the clever biatch. No way will they vote her out after last night's sentimental nationalistic bullcrap stunt.

Before I go on, check out the captions on the images in this article.

But I do look upon David Cook with new eyes today. His reworking of Beat It was intelligent, charismatic and clever without preying on sentiment like Kristy's clever did. I still think he's a little smarmy-looking, but perhaps now it will seem less of an unattractive feature. See, boys? Intelligence makes you more attractive, even if you are physically on the repulsive side.

I think the judges were very unfair on Carly and actually sounded the death knell for her. There is a really big chance she is going tonight, and I am very sad about that, and sad for her. I just hope she doesn't think it's the end, because it is likely she will get a contract or get signed up for a movie or something straightaway.

Although Syesha performed very well last night and really has a beautiful, open voice, still don't want her to win.

Weakening contestants? Chikezie, Jason Castro, Ramiele. It's just a matter of time for them if they continue as they are. Brooke is starting to get boring (shock!).

And Michael Johns making faces? And then singing Queen? RAWR.



dJ phuturecybersonique said...

beat it or bille jean?

mamasan said...

billie jean, you're riht. but now there is somewhat of a controversy because aparently chris cornell of soundgarden did this version first.....

shamaine said...

i think most of us weren't aware that chris cornell did a cover of billie jean..and we were all like..wahh..that david cook so pandai!!

jason castro (big fan of his).. seems he doesn't want to budge from his comfort zone....i hope he gets a record deal when he leaves coz i'll buy his album!!

hate syesha! so happy she was in the bottom 3..hopefully next week she'll be out? muahahaha


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