So we are halfway there on a two hour road trip knowing nothimg we wanted to do would be available to us. True to ourselves, we continued on our lost cause journey in anticipation of some othe adventure.
There, hubby boo contacted his co-performer zizan and his mates and we had dinner, all the while prevaricating about whether to return to our cosy hotel rooms back at the resort or pay an etra night and stay in KT. We decided to stay and local zizan got us a spectacular ratr at a local apartment hotel. Which was reaaaally nice too.
Next day we went bright and early to the batik complex only to find that the exhibition and demonstrations were closed because of renovations. All we could do was shop! Tired out, we decided to head back to base.
Once back, it was a long late afternoon swim in the sea before dinner for the big babies.
I must say our resort exceeded our first impressions. It is one of those huge family friendly places with tonnes of activities, watersports and golf.
Walking in to the humungous open air lobby you are impressed by the neon terrazo flooring in a radiating swirl pattern. And also the large fountain with blue water AND blue-water-spouting, blue concrete dolphins. The rooms are spacious with decor from the 80s, all bright with mediumtoned woodwork.
I requested seafacing rooms and we were rewarded with a spectacular view of the south china sea and the olympic sized pool plus adjoining olympic sized wading fun pool! The rooms were bright and airy with newly done bathrooms, so despite the decor they were really lovely. Unfortunately because of the raya break it is deserted with few dining options. But it is nice to be somewhere quiet :)
As i said the food here is delicious, a throwback to the 70s and 80s when food quality was a given even if it wasn't gourmet. I felt like i was ten again, ordering my chicken rice twice unstead of trying something else just because it was too good to eat only once.
Today is our last day and i must say the best part was being alone with hubby and the girls and of course the sea and quiet. Negative ions rule!!
I am looking forward to being home where the house's mess seems less like an insurmountable chaos and more like a challenge i can face!
Hooray for life's simple gifts :)

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