Make a short, short film with the theme MAKAN.

It should be 90-160 seconds long. You can submit it by email or on DVD an the format should be AVI, MOV, MP$, WMV, 3GPP, MPEG4 (DivX, Xvid) or FLV, use MP3 Audio and be 640 x 480 resolution. The file should be no more than 10 MB.
The prize?
6 people get to go on a 4D3N trip to Hanoi and win a Sony mini-DV camera each.
Check out the details on apostrophe's site.
Contest closes 18 April 2008.
Lovey, C
very interesting!! :) thanks for sharing!! :)
no problem!
This is really interesting. Makan eh?
btw, I've been reading your posts on American Idol. I feel that I pretty much share the same views as uou. Kristy reaaaahhllyyy need to get booted off. She was good last night but man, I can't stand her anymore. It's been too long. I'm very much rooting for Jason Castro though *sheepish grin*
Missed Actorlympics yet again. Quite disappointed about it. Hope you guys had an amazing run.
ok la. so long already. have a good day!
finally a non-idol post :P
Thanks, Ultimatecass! Yes, you should be sheepish!! And you missed Actorlympics, but don't worry we will be doing another run as soon as I can find some dates at the theatre!
Aw, don't feel too left out, U-En. Sometimes not understanding pop culture does get in the way of fitting in. Defensiveness is a way of coping I suppose, but we understand.
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