Thursday, March 13, 2008


Last night the idol contestants got to sing any song from the Lennon McCartney songbook. I love the Beatles. I have lovd songs for ages and only lately found out they were by the Beatles. They are such a pervasive part of our musical culture, memories of songs whose origins I had no idea about, turn out to be by them. Some people could see that they had a perfect chance to get it right. Others... well, they blew it.

Who did well?
Brooke White, Carly Smithson. Yes, though I still don't like him much, if I close my eyes and stifle the nausea, David Cook.
And surprise undercover brutha Chikezie! I loved what he did with "She's a Woman", even the rockabilly intro. His energy was amazing and his voice sounded great. No karaoke loungeing going on at all.

The others were pretty ok.Syesha, Ramiele, Jasaon... a little safe and boring. Amanda Overmeyer. I don't know what to think of her. She herself has a character I like. It's just that she comes across like a weird trannie freak show getting by with a modicum of talent that isn't being explored to its fullest. I still love Michael Johns, though he didn't hit it off for the judges. I still love David Archuleta, though he really flubbed big time. It's good for him though, to learn early on that getting comfy on one's cuteness ain't enough. After last week's little sympathy thing, I did feel a little repulsed. I feel Brooke, Michael and Carly seem most effortlessly capable with their voices, and are so very charismatic and confident. If they don't make it to the top 3, I am sure they will get themselves signed up by someone the week they are ousted.

Who is out this week?

I would vote for Kristy Lee Cook and David Hernandez to leave. Let's see tonight!!

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